
Probíhající projekty
Ukončené projekty
Výsledky projektů

Probíhající projekty

Intensive energy-saving Training

Realizace: 1.01.2023 - 1.01.2026

The initiative is designed to heighten social responsibility and awareness among young adults aged 18-30 regarding ecological sustainability and energy…

Raising Europe’s Stars

Realizace: 31/03/2024 - 30/03/2025

Uncover Your Voice and Take the Lead in European Democracy! Were you new to the voting booth, feeling uncertain about…

Zvýšení mentální odolnosti mladých lidí

Realizace: 1.08.2024-31.8.2026.

The project focuses on the topic of healthy lifestyle, wellbeing, especially among young people, including those with limited opportunities. The…

One World | Jeden svět

Realizace: 20. 3. do 21. 4. 2024 školní projekce 27.-29.3. projekce pro veřejnost

Festival Jeden svět má novou podobu. Uvede fikční filmy, změní svůj název i vizuál Jeden svět za čtvrtstoletí existence ukázal,…

Inclusion Cooperation Center Hármonia

Realizace: before 31/03/2024

The Harmony project stems from the conditions of the present with regard to the activities and activities that our partners…

S.O.S. : Strengthening our support

Realizace: 05.11.2023-04.10.2025

Umožnění začlenění a inovací pro ukrajinské uprchlíky v Evropě Motivace projektu Rozsáhlá ozbrojená invaze na území Ukrajiny…

STAR: Strategie a techniky v oblasti závislostí pro mladé lidi

Realizace: 01.09.2023 - 31.08.2025

Motivace projektu Drogová závislost může mít významný dopad na život mladého člověka a vést k rozpadu vztahů…

The power of good will 3.0

Realizace: 1.6.2023 - 31.5. 2025

Petrklíč help z.s.’s for almost 18 years has been implementing non-formal education methods in youthwork when it comes to Human…

Think Tanks – chance for Youth

Realizace: 1.1.-2023- 31.01.-2025

The aim of the project is to increase the real influence of youth in the medium and long term. The project is aimed at developing permanent synergies of the youth sector with the area of research and analysis as well as system solutions supporting the participation of young people.

Dobrovolnický program

Realizace: Karviná

In particular, our aim is to encourage the connection between the young and the older generation and to increase the…

EMOTIonal management COMmunity after the pandemic

Realizace: 1.12.2022-31.10.2024

Before COVID-19 “More than 1 in 6 people in Europe were living with a mental health problem. “Half of us…

VR-Psycho - Virtuální realita jako podpora ochrany před vyhořením prostřednictvím neformálního vzdělávání

Realizace: 31.5.2022-31.7.2024

Stress and burnout can have serious negative effects on individuals, including physical and mental health problems, reduced productivity and efficiency,…

Ukončené projekty


According to Eurostat, in 2020, 80 % of the EU’s adult population reported having used the internet on a daily…

Kreativní digitální prostor

Realizace: 1.1.2022-31.12.2023

The novel Coronavirus pandemic caused the spaces where young people could hang out, actively create, and engage socially, to shrink drastically….

The power of good will 2.0

Realizace: 01.06.2022 - 31.05.2024

Petrklíč help z.s.’s for almost 15 years has been implementing non-formal education methods in youthwork when it comes to Human…

Y-FIGHT: Boj mládeže proti zneužívání moci

Nowadays, gender-related power abuse is still spreading through societies without a viable solution and with new threats arising, such as…


Realizace: 7.07.2022 - 15.07.2022

This project aimed to provide youth workers with useful and practical tools and information about how to motivate, train and empower young people in their communities, to find inspiration, new ideas, alternative economy and labour models, to face the high unemployment rates and overcome obstacles to do business in rural areas.

Business for Youth

Realizace: 15.8.2021 - 14.2.2022

Business for youth is a student video project in Czech with English subtitles. Its purpose is to introduce people who…

Podpora meziodvětvové spolupráce v oblasti mládeže - studijní návštěva v Arménii

Realizace: 6.5.-13.5. 2023

Project aims to increase the efficiency of the youth work through promoting and raising capacities for cross-sectorial cooperation and youth…

DIY verse

Realizace: 28/02/2022 - 27/08/2024

DIYverse is an international project with the basic vision of providing young people with diverse access to a positive experience…


Democracy is fragile and not free. Formal education often lacks the capacity and tools to engage with adolescents on this…

Protecting Youth’s Mental Health

Realizace: 2020-11-29 – 2022-08-28

For many, the age of “youth” is an interesting time, but since it is full of changes and challenges, it…

Understanding Sexism for Young People

Realizace: 2021-02-09 – 2022-04-07

Sexism is one of the most pervasive human rights violations of our time and is a form of discrimination that…

YOU(th) Decide !!

Realizace: 1.11.2020 – 1. 4. 2022

The YOU(th) Decide !!! initiative aims to increase interest in youth participation among young people from different Visegrad regions while…


Realizace: prosinec 2020 – prosinec 2022

This project involves the implementation of a series of national and international meetings on structured dialogue, strengthening urban youth councils…

In My Element

Realizace: 2020-03-01 – 2021-09-30

ABOUT THE PROJECT Talking about leadership, many programmes run by youth organisations and workers focus on the how-to of leadership:…

Inkubátor pro mladé lidi

Realizace: 2021-01-01 – 2023-08-31

The Incubator is a project that designs community-based youth work in each country and empowers young people by helping them…

YC2 – Youth Councils Yet Coming

Realizace: červen 2020 - duben 2022

A project aimed at promoting the participation of young people through municipal youth parliaments and municipal youth councils. The project…

The power of good will

Realizace: 1.9.2021 - 31.8.2023

Petrklíč help z.s.’s for almost 15 years has been implementing non-formal education methods in youthwork when it comes to Human rights…


Realizace: 01-01-2022 - 01-01-2024

Cílem projektu je rozvíjet kompetence multiplikátorů ve třech hlavních tématech: školitelské zručnosti, kariérové poradenství a práce s duševní pohodou mladých lidí

Crafts Youth Future Engagement

Realizace: start: listopad 2021

The Crafts Youth Future Engagement (CYFE) project targets young people aged 13 to 18 and aims to reconnect them with…

Sdílení osvědčených postupů v sociálních podnicích jako nástroj práce s mládeží

Realizace: 1. 2. 2018 - 30. 6. 2020

The project build the capacity of partners to engage at all geographic areas from local to European and enable partners…


Realizace: 1. 3. 2018 - 31. 3. 2020

The aim of the project is to increase knowledge in the field of social entrepreneurship among youth workers, who can…

Stories in Motion

The “Stories in Motion” project involved partners from France, Italy, Estonia and the Czech Republic.Storytelling as an educational tool is…

Digital EU and ME – Youth Exchange in Wieliczka

Realizace: 26. 10. 2018 - 4. 11. 2018

From October 26th to November 4th, we embarked on an Erasmus+ project for an internship in Wieliczka, Poland. An international…

Virtuální realita

Realizace: 10. 10. 2018

If you haven’t experienced virtual reality yet, come and hear a few words about how the technology is used and…


Realizace: 1. 9. 2018

Our objectives are linked to the following goals: equality, inclusion and multilingualism of volunteers and citizens. We give them the…

Přehrajte si, abyste se dozvěděli více o finanční gramotnosti

Realizace: 04/2018 - 02/2019

This project give all of us an opportunity to take part of process to create our own board games, which…

Participace ve slezském regionu – CZ+PL

Realizace: 1. 1. 2018 - 31. 12. 2019

The aim of the partnership is to contribute to the improvement of the quality of youth work in the territory…

Aktivity Mládežnické rady Český Těšín

Functioning of the Youth Council of Český Těšín – a platform of young people interested in participating in public affairs…

Jeden svět v Třinci – Festival dokumentárních filmů o lidských právech

One World is an international festival of documentary films on human rights issues. During the festival, the Homo Homini International…

Mládežnické rady v kraji

Realizace: 01/2018 - 12/2018

The main aim of the project is to respond to the need of young people to develop their ability to…