The initiative is designed to heighten social responsibility and awareness among young adults aged 18-30 regarding ecological sustainability and energy conservation. By crafting interactive educational materials and organizing workshops and expert-led sessions, the quality and innovation of youth engagement will be improved. The focus on young individuals ensures a realistic approach to the energy crisis, as they will be the most affected by its long-term consequences.
Youth involvement is key to fostering initiative, particularly as they participate in a social campaign aimed at energy conservation. The reach of the endeavor is extensive, providing a large audience with insights on how to actively address energy and climate challenges in their daily lives. A unique aspect lies in the application of non-formal education, highlighted by expert interactions, tours of renewable energy facilities, and access to practical knowledge often unavailable through traditional learning mediums.
Inclusivity is emphasized, accommodating individuals facing economic, geographic, or social barriers, as well as those with disabilities. The efforts align with the European Union’s aim for climate neutrality by 2050. Participants will gain soft skills that will aid them in navigating a post-energy transformation environment.
International partnerships are integral, contributing to the enrichment of intercultural dialogue, knowledge exchange, and best practices in energy-saving measures.
Within this endeavor, an online platform containing resources on ecology and energy conservation has been established as a part of the Intensive Energy-Saving Training.