Inclusion Cooperation Center Hármonia

The Harmony project stems from the conditions of the present with regard to the activities and activities that our partners and we carry out with people from disadvantaged backgrounds, socially disadvantaged or with health limitations.

The main objective is to create an Adult Education Centre in the form of courses and materials for the following areas: – soil care, plant cultivation and processing – employment for rural families without previous education – cooperation between farmers and buyers through participation in the creation of the harvest – self-employment, self-supply and work in the community – use of natural materials for garden construction – aids for occupational therapy, aromatherapy to stimulate and activate the elderly and people with handicaps.

The project will result in the creation of online materials in the form of webinars, video tutorials, video procedures and texts for the course topics. Placed on an online platform for sharing also other examples of good practice and real success stories after the implementation of the courses among the participants. The facilities created for the implementation of the courses in organisations and the possibilities of creating activities for people with different exclusions in the communities will be beneficial for the improvement of their lives. The implemented workshops in each partner country together with the groups of participants of the target group will be the basis for the creation of tools for creative possibilities of working with people with disabilities and also for the creation of guides for working with natural materials.

Inclusion and diversity in all sectors of education – our aim is to make no distinction in education and access to education. We want to help families who deal daily with ways of excluding their children or themselves. We look for opportunities, ways and processes to make their lives easier and more enjoyable. By setting an example, by showing what can be done, many “unsolvable” problems can be solved. In employment, in studying with children, in coping with the financial situation. That is why we want to lead them to work with the soil and plants – growing their own produce and its appreciation, the possibility of therapies and improving life. Everyone has equal chances and rights to make their life fulfilling. Community is the basis for us and partners to exist and be in balance. Mutual help, understanding, cooperation. Possibility of access to innovative bases, different perspective.

Výsledky projektů

Detaily projektu

Realizace before 31/03/2024
Dotace 60 000,- EUR
Číslo 2021-1-SK01-KA210-ADU-000029390
Vedoucí organizace OZ Guľôčka
Grant provider Erasmus +