DIY verse

DIYverse is an international project with the basic vision of providing young people with diverse access to a positive experience of diversity. The path to this goal is represented by a guideline for setting up social project offices and designing Silent LABs (auditory methodology tool for interactive theatre).

We believe that young people are not just the leaders of tomorrow, but also the changemakers of today. That’s why our latest project is all about empowering youth to take charge and tackle social issues head-on.

Our project centers around the idea of “Do it yourself” (DIY) empowerment, where we create a guideline for setting up social project offices, in which both organisations in the youth sector and young people themselves – accompanied by a theoretical basic curriculum – can later realise their own project ideas with a socially relevant background. We want to equip young people with the skills, tools, and confidence to implement their own solutions to pressing social problems.

Our project is twofold in its approach: the PE1 curriculum lays the foundation for the social project offices, primarily targeting non-formal youth education institutions. Meanwhile, our Silent LABs (auditory methodology tool for interactive theatre) initiative delves into the concept of diversity as a valuable societal resource. Through active participation and collaboration, young people not only explore diversity thematically but also contribute to the creation of Silent LABs, further amplifying the message of unity in diversity.

Project results


Project details

Implementation 01/11/2021 - 01/04/2024
Subsidy Erasmus +
Number 2021-1-DE04-KA220-YOU-000028921



Czech Republic


Grant provider Erasmus +



Petrklíč help, z.s.

Non Dalla Guerra