EMOTIonal management COMmunity after the pandemic

The main result is the creation of an innovative framework in which youth workers and youngsters will acquire tools/skills for their mental health. They will have access to a high quality training delivered through didactic videos or through face-to-face regular training we will provide after the project ends.


  1. Course in Spain to transfer and test the new Framework to youth workers and young learners 28.3.-5.4. 2023
  2. Participatory visits in Czech Republic 13.-17.10. 2023
  3. Participatory visits in Romania 18.-22.3. 2024
  4. Results 1: didactic videos to transfer the new EMOTICOM Framework – 30 on-line clases
  5. Result 1: translation subticle until the end of February 2024
  6. Result 2: EMOTICOM Community to work on mental-health and well-being.
  7. Result 3: online workshop to transfer tools and knowledge in the key areas that will compose our EMOTICOM Framework
  8. Dissemination Campaign for 40 people to share the project results
  9. Local Workshops in Spain, Czech republic, Romania – from April – August 2024 – consultation Period

Multiplayer events:


  • Spain 3.-6.2. 2023
  • Romania
  • Czechia


  • 1st midterm report – do 16. 12. 2023
  • 2nd midterm report – do 2. 8. 2024
  • Final report do 31.10.2024

Project objectives

WEB: https://ongpasos.com/emoticom/ OBJECTIVE 1 To CONNECT youth workers and youngsters to innovative tools for their well-being and mental health. OBJECTIVE 2 To ENGAGE youth workers and youngsters in counteracting their mental challenges caused by COVID-19. OBJECTIVE 3 To EMPOWER youth communities in working for their mental health and well-being. DISSEMINATION CAMPAIGN PHASE SO (Specific Objective) 3.1: To encourage and support youth workers and young participants in becoming multipliers by transferring the new framework MA 3.1.1 Conference in Czech Republic, Spain and Romania MA 3.1.2 Internal workshops provided by the participants MA 3.1.3 Consultation Period SO 3.2 To increase awareness of the importance in confronting our mental health challenges and reduce the stigma MA 3.2: Other Dissemination Activities

Project details

Implementation 1.12.2022-31.10.2024
Subsidy 120000 Eur
Number 2022-1-CZ01-KA220-YOU-000089175
Leading organisation Petrklíč help, z.s.
Subsidy provider


Partners Cooperativa de Solidariedade Social cfcecas